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Lean Office Seminar 10.03.2025 – 14.03.2025 in Zurich

Learn how to make office areas leaner, more efficient and more sustainable in our ‘Lean Office’ seminar. Learn how to optimise processes in a targeted manner, use the advantages of digitalisation effectively and uncover monetary potential in the process. We use practical exercises and a tried-and-tested process model to optimally prepare you for successful practical…

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How operational excellence improves the M&A process

Netstal has established itself as a technology leader for high-speed injection molding machines. In response to increasingly fierce competition, the company, together with Staufen and Vetica, developed measures to speed up processes, optimize costs, and better address customers. This efficiency and effectiveness program formed the perfect basis for the operational due diligence as part of the takeover talks with the Krones Group.

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Optrel – A lesson in entrepreneurship

Optrel‘s success story is not only exciting, it is also an inspiring lesson from which we can learn a lot for our own actions. We invite you to join us on our search for clues. First, we will explore the company‘s milestones, then we will get specific advices for successful ventures from some of the outstanding protagonists of this story.

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‘Customer satisfactionis not negotiable’ – When operational excellence becomes vital

For the Ypsomed medical technology company, delivery reliability and eventually the well-being of patients is paramount. Thus, Ypsomed consistently relies on Operational Excellence, which also helps the company keeping costs in check despite production sites in Switzerland and Germany. Additionally, Ypsomed uses a Near Sharing strategy to shorten transportation, which also facilitates reaching its sustainability goals.

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Staufen Magazine
A journal for change.

Staufen magazine 2024 | no. 7 | This issue once again features many colorful benchmark stories from different industries and sectors. The practical field reports deal with unusual strategies and solutions on how companies react to acute challenges on the one hand and continuously work on improving their performance on the other.

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©Fotografie Ulrike Kiese, professionelles Fotostudio für Portraits, Business, Mitarbeitershooting, Bewerbung, Portraitstudio, professionelle Fotografie, Business, Netzwerk, Profilbilder  Villigen, Brugg, Baden, Zürich, Schweiz

New consultant: Christian Svendsen supports our team

Christian Svendsen has been on board as a consultant since the beginning of August and contributes with both in-depth knowledge and practical experience in various industries. As a former CEO, he epitomises entrepreneurial thinking and action and sees himself as a sparring partner when it comes to challenging the status quo and developing innovative solutions…

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What must future supply chain management be capable of?

Innovative supply chains are characterized by strong customer orientation, excellent performance, and high flexibility and agility in the face of new market and environmental requirements. If the supply chain is transformed from a cost factor to a success factor, it can become an integral part of the competitive strategy. Thomas Spiess is a Member of the Management Board of STAUFEN.INOVA AG in Switzerland. He studied mechanical engineering at ETH Zurich and has been an expert for supply chain management for almost 30 years.

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BMW BPP Circle

BMW: about experiences, stumbling blocks and proven solutions

Face was shown at BMW. This is to be understood in the literal sense, due to the removal of restrictions and the associated obligation to wear a mask. But it also stands for the transparency with which the participants of the BestPractice Partner Circle Meeting at BMW in Landshut – company leaders and designers – communicated their current corporate challenges and represented their values.

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Forbes Award 2022

Consulting Awards: Staufen AG named leading management consultancy by “Forbes” and “Handelsblatt” / Excellent reputation in industry and automotive sector

Double honor for Staufen AG: Both US business magazine “Forbes” and Germany’s leading business newspaper “Handelsblatt” named the management consultancy one of the leading consulting firms in their recently presented rankings. Staufen AG is one of the top addresses, especially in industry, the automotive sector and for often family-run medium-sized businesses – both nationally and…

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Gruppenbild Partnerschaft Staufen AG und Fokus Zukunft

Climate neutrality: Staufen and Fokus Zukunft will jointly support companies in green transformations in the future

Staufen AG and Fokus Zukunft GmbH & Co. KG will work together in the future on the topic of sustainability. Together, the two consulting firms will support companies along their entire path to climate neutrality. 

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Illustration Supply Chain Landkarte

Supply Chain Network Management

What will the stable supply chain network of tomorrow look like? An answer to this and other questions can be found in our white paper.

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Academy program 2022

This year, our academy will again accompany you on your way to top performance with first-class qualification programs – always true to the motto LEAN, LEARN, LEAD. 


We are convinced that a Lean Transformation will only be successful if the managers and the team are first-class qualified.

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Over 100 trainers

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Discover your perspectives as a consultant, interim manager, coach or trainer at Staufen.Inova.

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Tel:+41 44 786 33 11 Get in touch Go to subsidiary page
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Tel:+39 02 87086718 Get in touch Go to subsidiary page
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03810 Mexico City
Tel:+52 55 6385 3726 Get in touch Go to subsidiary page
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Rua Guapuruvu, 180, sala 7
13098-322 Campinas, Brazil
Tel:+55 19 3262 0011 Get in touch Go to subsidiary page
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90430-130 Porto Alegre RS,
Tel:+55 51 4042 8136 Get in touch Go to subsidiary page
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200030 Xuhui, Shanghai
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Tel:+86 21 6441 7112 Get in touch Go to subsidiary page
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Tel:+852 2345 7555 Get in touch Go to subsidiary page
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