A simulation for the depot and hub locations on the basis of different scenarios was conducted based on shipment data as a means to design an optimized distribution network for Switzerland.
Client profile
The national DPD organization in Switzerland was founded in 1993. Today DPD ( Switzerland ) AG is part of the DPD Group and as such is part of GeoPost, a subsidiary of the French Le Group La Poste. In Switzerland, DPD has become the largest private parcel service provider. Having started out as a pure B2B provider, DPD recently also focused on the growing B2C business. In Switzerland, nationwide parcel delivery is guaranteed thanks to 11 depots, three of which act as national distribution centers (Buchs ZH, Möhlin AG and Bern BE). An intensive review of the current network was required in response to growth and the strategic focus on processing both B2B and B2C parcel volumes. In particular, the focus was on the Bern distribution center, where a new depot will need to be installed in the medium term to accommodate a rezoning process and unsatisfactory space constraints.
Solved challenges
- Simulation of scenarios for establishing an optimized distribution network in Switzerland
- Calculation of the “center of gravity” for Switzerland
- Simulation of the Depot Bern location
- Site search in the Bern area and narrowing down to two potential locations with a clear favorite close to the city
- Definition of the rough concept for the Depot Bern at the favored location
Achieved benefit
- Clear, optimized Swiss network with a central hub
- Narrowing the site options in the Bern area
- Detailed concept for the Depot Bern (in collaboration with an architect/investor)
- Decision-ready documents for detailed planning