Personal development from day one
Personal development starts immediately after contract signing
With us, personal develop starts immediately after signing the contract: Your first day of work is what we call our “Welcome Day”. On this introduction day, you will receive information from all company departments. And of course, as a consultant, your complete equipment package, including laptop, smart phone, your own business cards, etc.
Several times a year, we conduct our “Beginner Training” for our new staff members. Over the course of eight days, we teach the new hires the basics they need to know about our company, our mindset and work methods, including corporate values, strategy, mission, vision and culture, sales processes, project design, our understanding of Lean, but also very pragmatic topics such as the argumentation and presentation tactics we use, flip chart training and media design.
In the subsequent 12 months, you will receive instruction based on the mentor-mentee principle: Your mentor/Götti is an experienced colleague from your team, who will accompany and support you as your contact, will provide you feedback that explain the internal processes and standards and provide you with more in-depth insight into the culture and the organizational structure of our company.
It goes without saying, though, that your mentor will not be your only sparring partner. At Staufen.Inova, teamwork is strongly encouraged. For example, with straightforward assistance in solving complex tasks or in preparing for future challenges. By offering regular team development programs, team events and, above all, by communicating with each other.
Further education is important to our company
Click here to learn the variety of education options we offer
Further education is important to our company. Needless to say, we offer our employees a wide range of development and educational measures. At Staufen.Inova, you will benefit from in-house and third-party seminars, academy programs and training, language trips and our virtual Staufen Learning Center, Summer and Winter School, plus sparring with our Competence Development team, depending on your personal goals and requirements, role and position.
With the feedback culture that we live, you are able to review at any time whether you are optimally applying what you’ve learned. For example, you will receive regular feedback about projects, and we provide annual performance reviews and target agreement meetings. In those, we also take stock of where you stand and see what the next step on the career ladder should be for you.
You gain valuable project experience in the work you do. Here, we focus specifically on your capabilities by introducing new aspects to your tasks. By giving you new areas of responsibility, conducting your own workshops, developing new service products, or rotating responsibilities, to name just a few examples.
In a meeting with your internal or external mentor, or With your coach, you are encouraged to define your own objectives for your personal development and in this way further enhance your areas of competence in a regular exchange of ideas.
In training programs and in seminars, you acquire specific theoretical knowledge. You can apply it and potentially deepen it in practical exercises.