Supply Chain Network Management
The power of networking
Supply chain networks create added value. Utilizing supply chain network & risk management, companies can create a powerful and resilient network.
The shock from the coronavirus is deep-seated. Risks and uncertainties will continue to dominate the economy for a long time to come. Supply chains and sales markets are disrupted, investment and purchasing restraint are defining the current situation. Consequences are emerging in all directions. Companies must protect themselves, because the next crisis is sure to come, such as the second wave of a pandemic, a natural disaster or a nationwide strike.
Above all, dependencies on individual suppliers or regions can become a trap in such situations. This is because manufacturers and suppliers and their subcontractors are linked in many ways, forming a dense network. Today, they tend to act as development partners and independently contribute value to their clients’ business. As a result, competition in the future will take place not only between individual companies but between entire networks.
This also changes how supply chains are controlled. Staufen counters-the growing complexity of this task with the concept of “supply chain network management.” Because in the current economic crisis, industrial companies in all sectors must reconfigure their supply chains. This is the only way they can detect disruptions early on, reduce risks and manage the consequences of crises.
The white paper “Supply Chain Network Management”
offers companies information on the process of reconfiguring global and local supply chain networks. The aim is to optimally align the network to constantly changing requirements and improve resilience through risk management. By doing so, companies remain fit for the future. Together with all partners in the value chain, they create a powerful and resilient alliance.