The green transformation determines our future economic activity

The manufacturing industry has a responsibility to reduce its environmental footprint. Legal requirements and growing social pressure have set a process of rethinking in motion: corporate leaders see a need to reassess the environmental impact of their work.

For many companies, the economic viability of ecological measures is still a major challenge. However, they also recognize the opportunity to improve their own competitiveness in terms of productivity, costs and quality through sustainable transformation.


As the best Lean Management consultancy in Germany, we know how to optimize processes, prevent waste and change value creation systems in a holistic and sustainable manner. We analyze existing value creation processes, identify sustainability potential and work with you to implement needs-based solutions for your CO₂ targets.

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White paper go Green 2022

Competitiveness and future security

How does the smooth transition to a CO2-neutral company work?


In order to follow a clear target image from the start, it is important to get an overview of the existing sustainability management. Which processes, structures and responsibilities are used to anchor the topic in the organization? Which fields of action have already been defined? We support you in defining your sustainability strategy and in selecting and reviewing effective measures.

Supply chains are increasingly developing into multidimensional, complex and global value chains. Mastering sustainable value chains is therefore becoming one of the greatest challenges for corporate sustainability performance. The sustainable supply chain approach from Staufen supports companies from strategy to implementation and helps sustainably align the entire network with future requirements and confidently control it with transparent management systems.

Preventing waste in operational processes is part of our core business and offers great potential for the reduction of raw materials and energy. We support you in expanding a resource-optimized value creation system and ensure best-of-class results in your production.

Sustainable companies need new leadership methods and competencies.

After all, managers who act sustainably today not only have an economic responsibility, but also a social and ecological one. They act as role models and should enable their employees to think and act sustainably. A company has a sustainable corporate culture only if there is a shared understanding among a sustainably acting organization at all levels.

Our change management approach enables companies to establish leadership methods, organizational structures and systemic processes that make them more sustainable and thus more fit for the future.

Process mining involves mining the data streams of corporate networks. The aim is to leverage unused potential or prevent waste. This method can also be used to achieve greater transparency in the area of sustainability. With the help of the Execution Management System (EMS) from our digital partner Celonis, we can screen companies, identify problems and quickly derive recommendations for action thanks to AI.

In contrast to classic transaction systems, Celonis links the processes and offers a complete view, from raw materials to logistics, and production to delivery.

Depending on the case, more than just the classic economic factors are examined. Sustainability factors can also be filtered out: risk mapping, emissions, social standards, etc. Once all the data has been compiled, the sustainability of the entire value chain can be determined.

Our partner in the area of sustainability

Combined expertise on lean processes and C02 footprint: Staufen AG and Fokus Zukunft GmbH & Co. KG will work together in the future on the topic of sustainability. Together, we will support companies along their entire path to climate neutrality. 


Our Quick-Check offers focused, sound results and instructions for action that companies can use to prioritize and optimize sustainability measures. We conduct the Quick-Check in cooperation with Fokus Zukunft, our partner for sustainability strategies.


General energy savings and a CO₂-neutral energy supply are currently the most important ecological goals for many companies. This is not just about in-house production; emissions from the upstream supply chain must also be taken into account.

Corporate Carbon Footprint

What emissions does an organization produce in a given period of time (end-to-end process)?

Product Carbon Footprint

What emissions does a product cause in product lifecycle/value chain “cradle-to-grave” or “cradle-to-ramp”?

Project Carbon Footprint

What emissions does a particular project produce for a particular period of time?


The CO₂ footprint can be measured along the value chain according to its contribution to the emission of CO₂ equivalents.

Direct emissions within the company’s operations and internal power generation

Indirect emissions from external electricity generation for Group operations

All indirect emissions caused by the company; includes emissions within the supply chain of products and services, employee travel and commuting, and the entire life cycle of products

Greenhouse Gas Protocol
© Greenhouse Gas Protocol



  • Global Footprint: readjusting the supply chain network
  • Manufacturing Footprint: improving manufacturing processes
  • Product Lifecycle: optimized product development, end-to-end


  • Energy efficiency in buildings: Green Building
  • Energy efficiency in buildings: energy management
  • Sourcing alternative energies, green electricity and off-grid


  • Compensation of unavoidable emissions: emissions trading, CO₂ certificates
  • Corporate carbon management financing of climate protection projects



We help you increase your productivity while reducing your CO₂ footprint. With needs-based solutions, tried-and-tested methods and a results-oriented approach.


Our team looks forward to answering your questions and supporting you on your successful path to becoming a CO₂-neutral company.

Your Contact

Peter Trick

Senior Partner

Phone: +49 7024 8056 0


Your Contact
Portrait des Staufen AG Mitarbeitenden Björn Falk

Dr. Björn Falk



Phone: +49 7024 8056 0


Your Contact

Alexander Wagner



Phone: +49 7024 8056 0



Lean, Digital, Green: A pioneer out of conviction 

Whether lean processes, digitization or now sustainability: The foam specialist Ebco is always one of the pioneers. After the medium-sized company determined its CO2 footprint, production and products are now becoming more sustainable step by step. 

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Sustainable digitalization 

The sensor technology specialist ifm has built a new factory in Sibiu, Romania, in which production is not only flexible, but also very energy efficient. Everything has been considered in the green factory: from the use of green concrete to an active foundation for temperature control to sustainable power supply. This makes the green factory an example for the entire ifm group.

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“In the future, we will not see the global supply chains that we see today.“ Experts on the Change Readiness Index 2022

The supply and logistics chains subjected to an endurance test by the corona pandemic continue to cause major difficulties around the world. Johannes Giloth, COO of GEA Group AG, explains why the MDAX Group has come through the crisis quite well so far and where, in his opinion, the greatest potential lies when it comes to sustainability.

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Resolving the goal conflict between economy and ecology

Process mining involves prospecting within data streams of company networks. The goal is to exploit unused potential or to prevent waste. The software company celonis also uses this method to bring the topic of sustainability to another level. With its execution management system (ems), germany’s only decacorn has developed “an x-ray machine for companies,” one that identifies problems, and thanks to ai, also creates proposed solutions and recommendations for action.

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Sustainability as the basis for adaptability – DÜRR

At Dürr, we like to use the image of an “entrepreneur at the company” to illustrate this. As a global plant and mechanical engineering company with individual projects worth over 100 million euros, we need employees with a high level of customer orientation, flexibility and personal responsibility. Here, it is essential to give employees a sufficient degree of freedom, for example, through flat hierarchies and short decision paths. In addition, we train our employees to identify problems early on, independently develop solutions, and make decisions. The basis for this is the trust and orientation of their own leadership skills. In addition, we practice a culture where mistakes are allowed, addressed and corrected, rather than staying silent. It is important for our motto to be: A mistake is the start of a sustainable improvement process – and we want to anchor this understanding even more in our company, also by introducing Shop Floor boards.

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Frech Factory

“Our goal is not to spend a cent more on electricity in the future.”

As a supplier of die casting technologies, Oskar Frech GmbH + Co. KG operates in an energy-intensive environment. Thanks to efficiency improvements and sustainable planning, the hidden champion was able to drastically reduce its energy consumption. Managing Director Dr. Tim Nikolaou explains in an interview how the transformation succeeded and what role lean management plays in the green transformation.

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