New whitepaper from Staufen Academy: Pushing performance boundaries with the right set of skills
Businesses and athletes have a lot in common: both must constantly work on themselves to stay competitive. Taking a cue from the world of sports, the Staufen Academy has developed a development path that can be used to improve the performance of individual employees and managers, as well as the organization as a whole.
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Study: Two out of three industrial companies in the DACH region want to achieve carbon neutrality within ten years at the latest
According to our latest “Future Industry 2023” study, 62 percent of industrial companies in the DACH region have set themselves the goal of becoming carbon neutral within the next ten years.
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Response to recession: Four out of five industrial companies rely on Lean Management for cost control
The recession in Germany, which has now been officially confirmed, has made the implementation of more efficient value creation a top concern for industrial companies. This is the result of the current study, “Future Industry 2023.”
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Study: Only half of industrial companies are proceeding strategically with digitalization/previous digital business models at many companies are still a dead loss
A dual-class digital society has established itself in industry: according to the current study “Future Industry 2023,” 49% of the companies surveyed are proceeding actively with digitalization. The rest are currently still stuck in individual projects or have yet to find true access to this topic. For the study, the consulting company Staufen surveyed more than 400 industrial companies from German-speaking Europe.
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ifm Best Practice Partner Circle: Lean, digitalization & sustainability triad
Digital transformation is the future. Getting there remains a major challenge for many companies. There is a lack of experience and no standard solution. Why should all companies go it alone? Why not go hand in hand?
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New White Paper: This is how Supply Chain Network Management makes companies crisis-resistant and well prepared for the future
The new white paper “Supply Chain Network Management – Strengthening Robustness, Resilience and Responsiveness” explains how a reconfiguration of the value network can succeed and how companies can remain competitive in the long term as a result.
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Climate neutrality: Staufen and Fokus Zukunft will jointly support companies in green transformations in the future
Staufen AG and Fokus Zukunft GmbH & Co. KG will work together in the future on the topic of sustainability. Together, the two consulting firms will support companies along their entire path to climate neutrality.
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Right in the middle instead of just on the sidelines.
The best proof of the effectiveness of Lean Management are the companies that have successfully implemented lean and are continuously developing it. Getting a look at and exchanging ideas with the best in the industry is one of the most sustainable ways to kick-start your own improvement process or revitalize it with fresh ideas.
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Consulting Awards: Staufen AG named leading management consultancy by “Forbes” and “Handelsblatt” / Excellent reputation in industry and automotive sector
Double honor for Staufen AG: Both US business magazine “Forbes” and Germany’s leading business newspaper “Handelsblatt” named the management consultancy one of the leading consulting firms in their recently presented rankings. Staufen AG is one of the top addresses, especially in industry, the automotive sector and for often family-run medium-sized businesses – both nationally and…
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